Daily Ah-Ha Moments...

You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!
I just love life. I love that in every moment, of every day, there is a lesson, a gift, an “ah-ha” moment, if you are grounded and present enough to witness it.
I love my BFF Charlie. He is a happy springer spaniel who is 10 years old. He used to live in a house where he had his own dog yard, literally. I had a home that was amazingly planned out for my four-legged children. Right out the back kitchen door, it opened to their very own personal dog park. Heaven! Just open the door and he can run, play, chase bunnies, and of course do his business. Then, when he had enough, he tapped on the door and came back into the house to be with his humans.
So you can about imagine the adjustment for him when at the age of 10, we moved and he lost his personal dog yard. Now instead of me just opening the door and letting him out, he needs to take a human outside with him!
Well fast forward to one year later, and my BFF and I were heading outside like we have every day for the last year. I opened the door and out he ran. I forgot something so I walked back into the house. As I headed back out the door Charlie came running back, as if to say "Hey, where are you? I take my human out with me now!"
I chuckled because we all become creatures of habit...
We get in a routine and then plug into auto pilot.
Then I said, “Thanks for the awesomeness, Charlie,” because I needed the reminder that I, too, can do some things differently. I, too, can change things up.
As an Inspirational Mentor, I work with my clients to make some adjustments and changes to their lives; to be brave enough to look at the way they are living and ask some tough questions like, “Am I truly happy?” and “What can I adjust, change, or learn that will bring me some more happiness, love, and joy into my life?”
Change can be scary for people. It means standing in the uncomfortable zone for a while.
Most people avoid anything uncomfortable and then just return to their comfort zone; even if they feel stuck, at least it is a familiar feeling versus a new feeling.
Today, when Charlie ran back to see where I was, it was a reminder for me… a reminder that it is okay for me to run out in front of my pack.
It's good to change things up... to do things differently. Through change comes growth and a different path of newness and wonder. I also know that at any time, I can just turn around and Spirit and the Angels are just waiting for me to invite Them to come along!
Cheryl Carrigan
Inspirational Guide Happiness Coach
612-695 8183